Salsa Verde

It is such an amazingly versatile sauce.  One of the first sauce I learned in a kitchen were salsas.  Not much skill needed here but the skill you learn here is how to balance flavours. In this case acidity.  You don’t want this to be over powering in acidity, just enough sharpness to get the palate “excited”.  You should be able to taste all the ingredients in the salad of what ever it is you are using the salsa verde for.

Salsa verde comes in many versions.  This version is some what close to the Italian version but there other “green sauces” like chimichurri in Argentina and sauce verte in France.

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Avocado and Tomato Salsa

So many versions of salsas out there and I must say that there are some pretty good ones.  I use salsas like a sauce, a healthy version of a sauce.  Usually, a salsa will have tomatoes and red onions, all finely chopped into fine cubes and finished with herbs and a citrus of some kind or vinegars.  Like anything, every one has a version, there is no right or wrong way to make salsas.

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